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web of knowledge

美 [web əv ˈnɑːlɪdʒ]英 [web ɒv ˈnɒlɪdʒ]
  • 网络知识网;网络数据库;知识之网
web of knowledgeweb of knowledge
  1. ISI proceeding is the latest network database of ISI web of knowledge .


  2. Application of ISI Web of Knowledge in Scientific Research


  3. Research on Database Web of Knowledge Unit


  4. Using Evaluation of ISI Web of Knowledge Database in Donghua University


  5. Cross database searching and operation of ISI Web of Knowledge


  6. A Knowledge-Based Integrated System of Academic Information Resources & An Introduction to the ISI Web of Knowledge


  7. This paper introduces cross-database searching functions and operating methods of ISI Web of Knowledge .


  8. ISI Web of Knowledge , the newly updated platform of Web of science , is the new generation of integrated system of academic information resources .


  9. Intuition is one step above instinct because , although it also requires no conscious thought , it is based on a web of knowledge learned consciously .


  10. The paper introduces the retrieval feature and relationship of different databases in ISI Web of Knowledge systematically . It discusses integrated application of based knowledge of academic informatin resources as well .


  11. Analyzing various retrieval software platforms which provide BIOSIS Previews , the paper discusses the features and retrieval methods of BIOSIS Previews on ISI Web of Knowledge .


  12. Based on the information Platform of ISI Web of Knowledge and Derwent Analytics Software , this article compared and analyzed the theses of remote sensing science in Science Citation Index ( Expanded ) from 1995 to 2005 in different aspects .


  13. But , from the data of Web of Knowledge database entries relevant papers looked that , the proportion of Chinese scholars ' papers in this field is not high , which explains that the research of this area is not as strong as other countries and regions .


  14. This paper proposes the concept of extension knowledge space ( EKS ), builds the corresponding operations for EKS , and then establishes the models of semantic web of extension knowledge space ( SWEKS ) and extension knowledge grid ( EKG ) based on EKS .


  15. Design and Web implementation of soil knowledge intelligent retrieval system based on ontology


  16. Finally , the individualized presentation system of knowledge network under B / S was developed using ASP + VML technology . It provides the Web reading environment of knowledge structure in visualized field for learners in network teaching .


  17. The semantic Web application consists of knowledge base , access component , reasoning component and results processing component . The structure and function of each component , as well as the relationship between the individual components are discussed in detail .


  18. A kind of new way of knowledge acquisition oriented to Web document of mechanical knowledge was put forward after the deficiency of knowledge acquisition method facing to document of speciality knowledge : natural language understanding and expert system was being discussed .


  19. The design tooling web is a repository of knowledge about computation for designers .


  20. The development process of intelligent CAI System based on Web and design methods of knowledge base , student model , teacher model , intelligent interface are discussed .


  21. On the basis of analyzing the knowledge types and hierarchy in supply chain , the system of knowledge spread and diffusion is discussed , and the knowledge management portal based on web and network model of knowledge integration in supply chain is also put forward .
